Why is refined salt bad

Table salt can contain many other additives as well, including fluoride, monosodium glutamate MSG , and bleaching compounds to make it white. Basically, the final product is an industrial hodge-podge of sodium chloride and chemicals, with no other health-promoting ingredients or characteristics.

This makes them rich sources of naturally occurring minerals and overall healthier products. There are a few types of natural salt, including sea salt and Himalayan pink salt. I love them both for similar reasons. Sea salt is produced from the evaporation of seawater. Though some sea salts are more processed and you should avoid them , unrefined sea salt contains as many as 60 different trace minerals that are abundant in the seas and oceans.

Some of these include potassium, bromine, boron, iron, zinc, magnesium, copper, silicon, and calcium. Sea salt is also less ground up than table salt, so you get more of a burst of flavor when you use it. Some of the varieties of sea salt include Hawaiian, Australian, flaked, French fleur de sel and sel gris gray sea salt , and crystalline. It is lower in sodium than most other salts and may actually be the most mineral-rich salt available.

Himalayan pink salt is one of the purest salts you can find. Mined from the salt beds in Pakistan, near the Western edge of the Himalayan mountain range, this natural salt is actually a kind of sea salt since it hails from an ancient sea that dried up eons ago. The trace minerals found in both sea and Himalayan salt are minerals the body needs to preserve a healthy body pH, prevent dehydration, balance electrolytes, support brain, muscle, and nerve function, and aid in digestion and detoxification.

Healthy Lifestyle Nutrition and healthy eating. Products and services. What's the difference between sea salt and table salt? Answer From Katherine Zeratsky, R. With Katherine Zeratsky, R. Thank you for Subscribing Our Housecall e-newsletter will keep you up-to-date on the latest health information.

Please try again. Something went wrong on our side, please try again. Show references Sea salt vs. American Heart Association. Accessed June 29, Duyff RL.

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Processed foods are loaded with Sodium Chloride as well as Sodium Benzoate and monosodium glutamate. Try to eliminate processed foods from your diet. This overuse of refined table salt is responsible for so many diseases including high blood pressure which leads to heart attacks and kidney disease.

Why not prevent it in the first place? But salt the right kind is essential for the proper function of nerves and muscles and has many health benefits.

According to Dr. Brownstein, M. Unrefined salt has not been put throught a chemical process. Usually a pinkish or brownish color. There are some sea salts that are somewhat processed also, so you must be careful. Make sure that your salt is not white, as this is the result of bleaching and has been stripped of all trace minerals. Mineral deficiencies can affect multiple body systems, and studies have shown that the majority of people are mineral deprived of things like magnesium and selenium.

Symptoms of mineral deprivation are muscle cramping, fatigue, and headaches, among others. Their little bodies depend on these critical nutrients that are devoid in table salt.


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