Where is anaya dawnrunner on wow

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Comment by Allakhazam Hey! Where the huck is her? To complete the quest you need to locate Anaya Dawnrunner , kill it and loot Anaya's Pendant. Your destination point is far southeast of Auberdine, at the place named Ameth'aran. There are lots of ghosts so you barely miss it.

The quest mob is looks like neutral night elf woman ghost. Anaya Dawnrunner spawns at random point of Ameth'aran, so you may need to search for her. Anaya Dawnrunner location coordinates are 42 Comment by saillaw She is hard to find at the moment in Classic with all the people and frequent mob respawns.

Add to that, she has a slow respawn timer and shows as neutral. My suggestion, create a macro and keep spamming it while you are doing all the other quests in the area. Tyvm for the macro above. Once I created it and started spamming it - she appreared immediately. Prior to this, I couldn't see her at all. Comment by Rhase Some trivia, she ends up in Ardenweald after her spirit leaves Azeroth.

In retail, you see her as an NPC in the shadowlands. Her soulshape is a nightsaber. Her husband is not with her yet?

View in 3D Links. This NPC can be found in Darkshore Anaya Dawnrunner says: Finally, my soul may rest An agent in the employ of Cerellean Whiteclaw was sent to destroy her, ultimately freeing her. Once Anaya's spirit was freed, her ghost visited Cerellean briefly, to reiterate her love for him, to quell his doubts, and to express her confidence that they would be truly reunited in their afterlife.

It seems that Cerellean remained most sorrowful, at least for a time. Before the Cataclysm, players would participate in the quest [16] For Love Eternal , which detailed all of the above. At that time, Anaya was a neutral ghost that patrolled around Ameth'aran.

After her spirit was freed, she was sent to Ardenweald , where she took on a nightsaber soulshape. She can be found in Dreamsong Fenn. Anaya shares her name with two blood elves, Lieutenant Dawnrunner and Eldara Dawnrunner. Considering that Anaya died in the aftermath of the battle at the Well of Eternity, it is possible that she could be a distant relative of the blood elf lieutenant, possibly an ancestor. Wowpedia Explore.


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