Where can i buy gabriels inferno

This chick is so frigid, I swear. She didn't! But wait, we're not done! I actually had to look up the name for this one since the author did not provide it for once.

It would please me if you would just eat the damn pizza. It's not polite to swish your beer in public. And please don't ask me what was going on with that lambskin rug right after this. I tried not to look. I think I know something more obscure than the author. Piaf to drag you into this! I am not one of them. And what, may you ask was our dear Julianne so broken about? There is nothing healthy to be learned from this book unless you include the prologue where Beatrice leaves Dante standing on the road like a fool.

If your ideal future life involves codependency and psychological abuse, please, be my guest, read this book and add to the rave reviews it has received thus far. It has most assuredly not gained any esteem from me. View all comments. Shelves: reads , 0-own-as-nook-book , aug-reads , romance-contemporary , 2-half-stars , 0-reviewed , set-in-canada , 0-own-avg-ratingpointplus , ebook-digital-copy , everyone-loved-it-am-odd-woman-out.

I was so looking forward to the book and love pairings of a dark and tortured hero with a sweet and innocent heroine. Reynard definitely delivered on that last count - far, far too much: Julia was put up on a pedestal - and for reasons that I'm not sure warrant her being put there - and everything else was evil and dark and sinful. He was a total a-hole at the beginning - wanted to slap him upside the head a few times - but it was fun watching him then immediately after do something in a gruff off-handed manner to make up for it.

There was definite darkness to the character and I was really looking forward to exploring and unraveling that. I liked their relationship in maybe the 3rd fifth of the book and I really enjoyed their class The chemistry between them was surprisingly good and the kisses - especially that first one!

And before he got far too sickly sweet see 5 below I loved how tender and caring Gabriel was with her. It would switch between paragraphs - sometimes even between sentences - from Julia to Gabriel to the waiter at their table. It was confusing at times. He and Julia probably should be together, with their sickening sweetness. He was ready to practically sacrifice his life for her within a few minutes of speaking with her and he could not stop calling her Rabbit every 5 seconds.

Very weird. All way too teenage-perfect and unreal. Gabriel and Julia are way, way, WAY too sweet all the time - to the point of not being at all enjoyable.

I wanted to scream, Enough already! Go carve your names into a tree, get those matching necklaces with half of a heart, and exchange promise rings. IMO, it got to be so over the top. I know, you couldn't tell I thought that. She's naive and perfect and beautiful and stands on a pedestal and is light personified and on and on and on.

She was absolutely "perfect" and therefore, to me at least, absolutely boring. Even though she's supposed to be this angel of utter perfection don't even want to county how many times she is referred to as such , the truth is I did not find her perfect at all.

For the middle of the book, I found her to be very judgmental and intolerant. Also, at one point she says that has "unfortunately" been hit on by women before and it came off sounding a little homophobic.

I hated that Gabriel is supposed to be this horrible, dark, tortured guy who has done all these bad things and because he is so sinful and unforgivable, he has to beg Julia to forgive him and love him anyway - even though he doesn't deserve it, which we hear over and over and OVER again - so that he can bask in her light, blah di blah di blah.

I hated that there's this sense Gabriel can't fully disclose things to her about his past because she's too innocent and fragile. That she's scared of his darkness and he has to protect her from it and doesn't want to pollute or corrupt her by even telling her about it.

I hated that her reaction to any type of variation in the bedroom is one of horror and that we're told through both of them that making love has to be tender and gentle and anything else is degrading and wrong and immoral. I know that she is a virgin and she's been through a bad relationship previously, but to me that didn't equal an explanation for what we're told. That having had troubles and made mistakes means you're stuck in sin and destined for hell and darkness until, if you're lucky, you get to go into the light and be with an apparently perfect but really not so much angel in human form.

That having a one night stand is the worst thing on earth. That lust is evil and shameful and that artistic but erotic art is disgusting.

That a woman being on her knees is offensive - and not even only in the mind-in-the-gutter sense though that as well but just in general, i. Now, before anyone attacks me and accuses me of being some sex maniac who hates virgin heroines, let me tell you that while Julia is a year-old virgin, I'm a year-old one, and that already at the beginning of the book she has more experience in this department than I do. So this is not a case of me disliking this book because virginity and innocence are glorified and I feel personally attacked.

Written August 16, View all 76 comments. Loved it. I cannot believe this was written by a man. And that last scene? That's all I've got. The rest has already been said.

But, if you like hot, angsty, possessive men, you'll love this one! I have found my Gabriel. Hello, Love! View all 44 comments. May 22, Jeanne rated it did not like it Shelves: pulled-to-publish-fan-fiction. Let's set aside the unethical practices that lead to this book aka Twilight Fan Fiction being published and just focus on the story. This is a giant turd-nugget of misogyny wrapped in romance stereotypes and sprinkled with the most basic understanding of classic literature. No literally, if you read Dante's Inferno for Dummies you will walk away with a better comprehension of that classic work than the author of this humongous joke of a novel.

The sad part is the author is skilled at manipulati Let's set aside the unethical practices that lead to this book aka Twilight Fan Fiction being published and just focus on the story. The sad part is the author is skilled at manipulating readers into believing that a story about a young college coed being mentally, emotionally and intellectually manipulated by her professors is sexually arousing, and laughably romantic.

No seriously, the overwhelming amount of agency that is given up by our leading female is so devastating that every time I see a female reader give this book anything more than two stars I feel the woman's movement take a full step backwards.

It would be refreshing to read a book with literary themes that didn't show a female heroine who has to use her vagina to win love and respect from her male counterpart, but alas Gabriel's Inferno is not it. Not by a long shot.

Additional note: I have a theory that part of why this book is so well loved has a lot to do with effort justification See my comments below. I'd write a detailed analysis, but this piece of crap series doesn't warrant the effort. View all 97 comments. Dec 30, Ivana S. Once again, I dislike the book everyone else obviously loves. It would be fine if it had action-driven plot, but for a story like this I think that reducing the number of pages would be a significant improvement. This way, I had a feeling that I was reading the same thing over and over again — every encounter between Gabriel and Julia looked almost exactly the same like the previous one.

It just dragged on and on and Once again, I dislike the book everyone else obviously loves. It just dragged on and on and I was seriously worried that I will have to break my own rule of finnishing every book I start and put this one aside.

I didn't, but even if I did, it wouldn't make any difference because the second half was even worse than first. Second, it was waaay too predictable. I usually don't mind that, but this was just too much. There wasn't a single moment of surprise and at some point it just came down to waiting to happen something that I already knew is going to happen.

It became boring. Third — I hated Julia. She's just too ''perfect''. That amount of perfection just doesn't work for me, it made her dull and annoying and I was irritated by her from the beginning. There are two different personalities in her and for a while I hoped that she was just acting in some situations.

Unfortunately, she wasn't. So, one side of her is a virgin pocket Venus, too sexy and beautiful for her own good. Even the way she eats is so sensual that noone — men, women, boys, professors, students — you name it — is able to resist that amount of beauty and sexiness.

On the other hand, she is pure, naive, caring, nice, shy and innocent this one was repeated so many times it made me nausious. So, we have a pure, innocent virgin who is sensual and sexy beyond reason.

I'm not saying it isn't possible, I'm saying that in this story it wasn't presented in a way that would make her interesting or credible. And she is just too damn sensitive and fragile for my taste. Instead of unique, interesting and exciting girl, she just seemed boring, at least to me. I didn't care for her one bit.

Fourth — I had a hard time liking Gabriel. I tried, I really have, but still failed. I am a big fan of bad, disturbed and dark characters and I expected to fall for Gabriel at instant, but it didn't happen. Instead of being dark, all he did was talk about how he's dark.

Some parts of his past fit in that description, because what happened to him and what he did to others made him edgy and dark, BUT… With Julia he was just too corny.

He was too gentle, too sweet, too careful to say and do the right thing at every moment. He didn't want to hurt her so much that he was afraid to tell her the truth about his past, and he just dragged on and on with it. He praised her beauty and innocence and appologised for him being… well, him, so much I wanted to vomit every time. And he gave her too much presents. Again, I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with all that, but it just doesn't fit in a damaged guy he is supposed to be.

Bad boys just aren't like that. Yes, they do want to change when they feel there is something worth the effort. Yes, they can be ridiculously romantic and sweet. Yes, they can be overprotective. I know all that from experience. But they don't talk like Gabriel talks. They don't compare people to roses, they don't repeat how someone is innocent and sweet in every single sentence and they don't apologize for who they are all the time.

Gabriel did that all the time, he was like ''I am dark, and not good enough for you. Sorry for who I am. Oh, you are so pure and innocent and sexy at the same time. I'm sorry I'm not worthy of you. But I am bad, so I won't do that. The emails and messages they sent to each other were… Well, I had a few actually more than a few ''kill me now'' moments. And the sex thing — oh they planned their first time for weeks, talked about it through pages and pages, and finally, it lasted forever while they were doing it.

It wasn't exciting. It was boring. They made sex so… not sexy. Fifth — changing the POV so much made my head spin. It wasn't that difficult to follow, but all that jumping from one POV to another… I don't know, I just didn't like it. I could go on and on about what I didn't like, but I'll stop being negative and say what I did like.

So here we go. I liked the title, as soon as I saw it I couldn't resist reading this book. If the writer didn't repeat himself so many times, I would like it even more. Anyway, there are some good sentences in this book and they are not to be ignored. The author's knowledge of Dante and Italian art is really impressive. Actually, I would like to read a book about that and ONLY about that, becouse while describing some pieces of art he managed to show his talent somewhere in between all that crap with Gabriel and Julia.

View all 24 comments. Professor Emerson addresses her in front of class which only causes her to shrink in her seat and not respond. When he catches her a second time he asks her to see her after class. But their meeting never happened and so they are off to a very rocky start.

Simply divine! Our only hope is that you find me afterward. Look for me in Hell. Quite the contrast to the previous life of Professor Emerson, respected and praised scholar by day and hedonist by night , roaming the clubs of Toronto for his next fuck. He finds himself irked by Julia , but after learning more about her situation he feels both pity and sympathy while fighting a growing attraction to his student.

Julia in turn appears to have love-hate for her professor. Both are broken with secrets they rather keep. More will unfold throughout and not everything is at it seems! Professor Gabriel O. Nine words to describe Gabriel: Pretentious, mercurial, jaded, brilliant, broken, corrupted, enigmatic, commanding and unforgettable.

Nine words to describe Julia: Shy, stubborn, smart, timid, chaste, tenacious, fragile, loyal and patient. As for ingenuity, symbolism and depth this is by far one of the best romantic fictions I have ever read! Brilliant, inspiring and interesting plot! Masterfully told! Unforgettable and swoon-worthy professor Gabriel Emerson! And… enough intrigue, suspense and romance to keep you glued throughout their saga!

The coveted 6-star shelf! You always were, you know. Would I re-read this series: Yes. Would I read future books by this author: Yes. View all 80 comments. May 04, Kristin KC rated it it was amazing Shelves: favorites , contemporary-romance , forbidden-love , powerful.

It has been said that no two persons ever read the same book. I'd also venture to say that no one person ever reads the same book twice. Each reread holds a different experience; a separate opportunity to view the story in a new light, this time with pockets full of insight. And since my experience, although equally wonderful, was different this time around, I feel compelled to compose a new review reflecting my current feelings. Gabriel's Inferno is a book that speaks to me on various levels, many of which oppose one another.

This story is insanely sexy, but tender and romantic. It's sweet but fierce; dark but light. It's serious and emotional, but entertaining and funny. It's fresh and original, but has an old fashioned, timeless feel that keeps me coming back for more. What makes this book stand out amongst others in its genre is the exquisite writing; writing that transports the reader precisely where the story leads, with a unique style that's lyrical, eloquent, and romantic.

It offers a cast of genuinely complex and intriguing characters, and has introduced me to one of my favorite fictional couples to date: Gabriel and Julia. Gabriel is Julia's professor in her Dante seminar, and this is where the forbidden element arises.

Their reluctant relationship is slow to build, but passionate and romantic with the perfect amount of angst and sexual tension. Gabriel is a brooding, pretentious, alpha-type hero whose initial arrogance reaches comical heights. But he has a sweet filling. He's the product of a painful past, and takes himself way too seriously.

But luckily, this story offers a third person perspective with a sometimes-snarky narrator who likes to poke fun at Gabriel's various idiosyncrasies — such as his obsession with fountain pens and his "medieval" mannerisms. It often appeared as though Gabriel was just released from another decade, and I adored this quirky aspect of the storytelling.

Julia is a loving and genuinely kind heroine. She may appear weak and innocent, but she does have backbone. She strives to see the good in people and believes that evil is better left alone, where it's free to discover itself.

And although it seems she'd be Gabriel's saving grace, their need for each other was balanced. This book draws inspiration from the passionate love story of historical figures Dante and Beatrice , offering a modern day spin that is simply stunning. There are multiple themes presented within the plot — "redemption" being the focal point. I fell in love with this story at first read, and it has become one of the rare few that I will continue to make time to read despite my ever growing TBR list.

Just beautiful! For if you truly believe that kindness is never wasted, you have to hold tightly to that belief even when the kindness is thrown back in your face. Strong and lovable heroine. Redemption themed. View all 63 comments. I see the appeal of GI and had I read when it was initially published I would, at the very least, have stuck with it to the end. However, the forbidden teacher-student-rich alpha male-virgin female trope has become so boring and redundant.

It doesn't help that this- with its copious allusions to Dante and Frodo blah blah- is slightly too pretentious for my taste.

View all 10 comments. Jun 28, Sylvia rated it really liked it. Especially loved their backstory. View all 9 comments. Jul 04, Hulya Kara Yuksel rated it it was amazing. Update 3 : You have to watch this teaser! Please look at what Sylvain Reynard just shared. What this means is that Alice has generously taken up the helm with the GabrielsInferno series in an effort to bring a movie or series to life. Wish her luck, SRFans! He's smart, sexy and so romantic! I love him so much and this book is one of my favorites now.

Sep 12, Ramona Popescu rated it it was amazing Shelves: hot-romance , love-this-series , man-crush , favorites. I have a passion for teacher and student love stories, and this is by faaaaar the most delicious and intriguing book I have ever read upon this subject.

I quickly became addicted to the story, for me this being like a roller-coaster of emotions. First you have the heroes: Julia- a shy but determined student, that dreams of becoming a Dante Specialist. We get to see her journey of discovery, that is by far a complex one, from a girl to a woman. Gabriel- a conflicted yet charming Dante teacher, wi I have a passion for teacher and student love stories, and this is by faaaaar the most delicious and intriguing book I have ever read upon this subject.

Gabriel- a conflicted yet charming Dante teacher, with a strong personality and intimidating posture. The 2 of them know each other, but one does't remember exactly the connection that they have, only when their feeling became too strong and the recollection is inevitable.

Their love story is unique and tormented by both heroes past, the insecurities and mistakes they made are here to hunt them and keep them apart. In the first part of the book we see them struggling with their feelings, being aware of the impossibility of their relation. The heart battles reason, right battles wrong. In the second part we get to explore more of their relationship, and how can they cope with the obstacles they face. Although at the beginning, we believe that they are different, we will get to see throughout the book how much they are alike, this resemblance between them being the first thing that clicks them together, but also ignited some feisty scenes.

Gabriel became one of my favorite heroes of all time because of his complexity as a character. You have 2 sides of him: the one that remained in the past, tortured by guilt, bad decisions and hate, and the one that you can see and explore thanks to Julia: loving, tender and thoughtful. Besides that, he is extremely smart, stubborn and has a huge impact on everyone he meets. His development in the series is outstanding, and by the end of the books you will love him more if possible : Second, the book is so well documented and full of artistic and literature references that will blow your mind away.

It is very well kept together by it and supports the action and the love story of the heroes. I don't think that we have one page that doesn't have an artistic idea in it and 5 stars to Sylvain for putting this book together in this amazing way. It was well documented, with a strong base and not a word in it was unnecessary. In a few words, this series was it for me, having every ingredient to keep on reading and connect with my heroes at a deep emotional level.

View all 34 comments. I was pulled in the moment I started reading it because of Sylvain Reynard 's unique and captivating writing. F "You are a only a magnet for mishap, Miss Mitchell, while I am a magnet for sin. Forbidden student-teacher love? Right up my alley! Gabriel's Inferno is written as a 3rd person POV. As a professor, he is not allowed to get romantically involved with any of his students, but when he met the innocent, vulnerable and somewhat familiar graduate student Julia Mitchell , he wasn't able to resist the physical and even emotional attraction that he felt for her.

I'll be honest with you. There was a slow build-up of the plot and the romantic development here, but I thought it was a good thing. I love stories that begin with enough prelude before getting into intimacies. Julia and Gabriel's romantic development gave me goosebumps.

The fact that they started their relationship as platonic I especially adored the classical sound tracks that were mentioned in this book.

I am a fan of Andrea Bocelli and his song Sogno was featured here, so it automatically made me swoon. The dialogues in this book were also charming. I cannot properly formulate a thought on how I enjoyed the way Julia and Gabriel had deep conversations and how they connected Dante's The Divine Comedy to their own story Although I honestly don't have the knowledge about The Divine Comedy lol.

When it comes to my favorite scene, it happened in Chapter Man, that was some fiery exchange of dialogues. I thoroughly enjoyed the way the story climbed as a whole. It was slow burn but so worth it.

I am so excited to delve into the next book! View all 60 comments. Mar 13, "That's All" Ash rated it really liked it Shelves: omg , i-heart , swoonworthy-characters , couldn-t-put-it-down , heartbreaking , favorite-books , consuming , holy-rusted-metal-batman , best-love-story , sexiest-guy-ever.

If I had to only use one word to sum up this book? And then I did read it. Out in a twilight orchard, she came across a very beautiful and apple-sweet boy. A couple of years go by, and that boy is now a haunted man. The young woman opened her mouth minutely and closed it, staring into those unblinking blue eyes, her own eyes wide like a frightened rabbit. And that intrigue soon turns into something else entirely.

I think E. James told the better story, and Sylvain Reynard told the story better. I sat down to read a couple chapters, just to give it a second chance and plus pages later… Here I am. View all 85 comments. This book is just too long, it would have got 3 stars from me if it was atleast pages shorter.

The anoying thing is the main female character, Julia. Not much happening in the book, mostly Gabriel and Julia talking about the same stuff over and over again. Although, there are some very nice and emotional scenes, that's why I gave it 2 stars : This book is just too long, it would have got 3 stars from me if it was atleast pages shorter.

Although, there are some very nice and emotional scenes, that's why I gave it 2 stars View all 23 comments. Jan 09, Sarah Maxwell rated it it was amazing Shelves: book-challenge , favorites , formerly-fanfiction. I had the privilege of reading an unpublished version of this book. I fell completely in love with this story, which became my reading addiction for nearly a year.

I was there for every chapter update and would obsessively think about the characters in the interim. I fangirled the author, and became a complete freak over this story. It's an incredible love story. View all 5 comments. Apr 17, Lucia rated it it was amazing Shelves: 5-stars-read , bookshelves-owned. My Julia and Gabriel: Wow! This is a phenomenal book! Gabriel's Inferno is the best story about forbidden love I have ever read.

All characters were believable and real. They have their ups and downs, fears and dreams, past issues and hopes for future. This is very compact and smart book. It has everything - romance, erotica, art, religious elements. I really enjoyed reading it, it made me cry, laugh, smile, anxious Reading Gabriel's Inferno was really a fulfilling experience! And I absolutely love all those references to another classic literary works, especially the ones considering Lord of the Rigs.

Main female character, Julia, is kind, sweet, smart and reincarnation of pure goodness. But also, she can be very passionate and angry when needed.

She has definitely become my favourite female heroine. She always did exactly the same thing I would do if I was in her shoes. And Gabriel He may have a dark past and intense personality, but he is a true gentleman and he knows how to spoil a woman. I felt so much compassion for all characters, not just for Julia and Gabriel. Most of the time it was a sensual and pleasant reading but sometimes it was very heart-wrenching and my heart was racing when something bad was about to happen or something tragic to be discussed and there is not many books that would do that to me.

Dear SR, you have earned a prominent place on my favourite bookshelf with this book and you gained another devoted fan who is eagerly awaiting sequel. View all 21 comments. Apr 27, Tigris Eden rated it it was amazing Shelves: favorites. I was asked to review this book by Omnific Publishing and the funny thing was is that I won a coupon on Twitter from them and this was the book I had selected as what I wanted to read.

Hence Gabriel's Inferno caught my attention. I hadn't even read the blurb just saw the title and immediately related it to Dante's Inferno. I have never ready anything by Reynard and had no clue what so ever A virgin reader to a new author I was asked to review this book by Omnific Publishing and the funny thing was is that I won a coupon on Twitter from them and this was the book I had selected as what I wanted to read. A virgin reader to a new author and I am just going to say that from the moment I picked up my Kindle I could not Literally would not put my Kindle down.

This is the story of two people with equally troubled pasts. I can't even begin to make sense of the story and sound the least bit intelligent. I was a virgin to the world that Reynard created for his characters. The narrator, and its characters were equally charming and sinful.

There were characters in the story that I detested for reasons the reader will understand when they pick up this amazing read. I always give little quotes here and there for most of my reviews and I will do it for this one as well, because the words were amazing, colorful, powerful, and most definitely seductive in a way that has the reader pulled into the story, living all the emotions that Julia lived through as well as the destructive and tormented nature of Gabriel.

When a frightening situation arises that threatens their new family, both parents must make sacrifices. Professor Gabriel Emerson has left his position at the University of Toronto to embark on a new life with his beloved Julia.

When she is given the honor of presenting an academic lecture at Oxford, Gabriel is forced to confront Julia about the subject of her presentation—research that conflicts with his own. In an effort to confront his remaining demons, Gabriel begins a quest to discover more about his biological parents, beginning a chain of events that has startling repercussions for himself, Julianne, and his hope of having a family. New York Times bestselling author Sylvain Reynard continues the story of Gabriel and Julia, two lovers bound together by their darkest desires.

But those very desires may destroy them…. Professor Gabriel Emerson has embarked on a passionate, yet clandestine affair with his former student Julia Mitchell. Sequestered on a romantic holiday in Italy, he tutors her in the sensual delights of the body and the raptures of sex. But when they return, their happiness is threatened by conspiring students, academic politics, and a jealous ex-lover.

Or will he fight to keep Julia, his Beatrice, forever? Enigmatic and sexy, Professor Gabriel Emerson is a well-respected Dante specialist by day, but by night he devotes himself to an uninhibited life of pleasure. Thank you so much, Anita. Glad enjoyed the Florentine Series. Sorry about that. Bonjour, Jacinthe. Merci beaucoup SR. De rien, Jacinthe. Merci beaucoup, Sr.

Bonjour, Chloe, et merci beaucoup. Hi Victoria, Thanks for watching. Subsequent parts will air after that. Thanks for your support, SR. HI Alexandra, Thanks for your message. Passionflix has moved offices and so they shut down their online store temporarily. And at that point, the DVDs will go back on sale. Thank you for your support, SR. Giulio Berruti is perfect as Gabriel. Can I go on mailing list to let me know when available to buy.

Love…love…love your books. Could not believe my passion was in movie form with Julia andGabriel. Hello Susan, Thanks very much. Right now, the Passionflix store is temporarily closed. Thank you for reading, SR.

All the best and thank you, SR. Hello Felicia, Thanks very much. Passionflix is selling the DVDs through their online store. Thank you for writing this love story I love it Kind regards X.


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