How many savage leather for pristine hide

You can also use it to keep track of your completed quests, recipes, mounts, companion pets, and titles! This site makes extensive use of JavaScript.

Please enable JavaScript in your browser. Live PTR. Classic TBC. Comments Comment by tmptfate This is the Cataclysm version of Arctic Fur and will be used for many crafted items through out the expansion. Comment by dumac Could be a reference to the old world skin of the beast. Elementium ore was for instance made like this Which is a reference or rather a re name even to the Elementium ingot as patch 4. Comment by I have also skinned a lot, and yet have zero pristine hides.

So I must wonder this hotfix: "Pristine Hides were too common and now have less of a chance to drop. Comment by i havent got any and i have skinned at least or so mobs, anyone know if this is bugged or if blizz said anything about it? About my th Yes that many Stone Bat in Deepholm dropped it.

Comment by I got 2 the first day. When u first get in the water in vaj and there are s of skinnable corpses. I havent seen one since then. I am 85 now and have skinned at least 1k mobs including regs and a couple of heroics.

There is a problem with the drop rate if I see 2 in one day and none for next 7. Comment by fishwick i think they went overboard with the nerf too, skinned stone bats last night in deepholme, everyone dropped trsh, 16 dropped bloated stomachs, 21 greens to DE but not a single pristine hide. In fact i havent had a single pristine hide off anything in the last 3 days. Comment by Yes the drop rate does seem to be terrible for these. Leveling from I have skined about mobs and have gotten only 9 of these in total.

And for 10 heavy savage leather 50 savage leather you can buy them in Twilight Highlands. Seems to acually even out this way. One thing I think they need to correct is lowering the Skinning level on Heroic bosses from down to where it should be.

I have skinned a lot of heroic trash and never had more then 1x Savage leather drop where in Wotlk they "could" drop serveral and did quite often. Comment by Just FYI to any skinners running randoms and happen to skin one off a mob by chance. If there are 4 other people in your group that do not know what a Pristine Hide is you may need to explain I was actually booted from a Grim Batol pug that thought I ninja'd a blue item when it dropped off a dragon I skinned.

In case anyone is wondering why you can't roll on them, it is not considered a blue drop by the group loot. Comment by Dwarfageddon i skinned 33 stacks of savage leather today and didn't get a single pristine hide.

They really need to increase the drop rate a little. Comment by trollingbird I have skinned over 1k corpses and have never received this hide.

I have heard, however, others are getting some of their Pristine Hide from lvl 85 elite skinnables not confirmed. In Cata i skinned 2 Pristine hides in about 2 hours in the 1st day. The first was from a Hyjal Stag in the 4th kill, and the second was from Nemesis , during the quest Finish Nemesis , along with 3 Savage Leathers as well.

But after those, and a load of kills, not a single Pristine Hide so far Comment by These drop randomly from skinning any Cata skinning mob. I've gotten 3 of them since the drop rate nerf.

Comment by The drop rate is totally screwed. I haven't even seen one on my main. I have skinning on an alt aswell which I got to 85 the other day and he only got one Pristine hide. Were is this nurf you're talking about? The drop rate has been really low this whole time for me. Comment by After about 20 stacks of leather from the crocs next to Baradin Hold, ive found 2 so far.

It seems that the drop rate is very low. Only need 1 more to craft the new epic chest piece :. Comment by Noboru I have been farming to level my Leatherworking for the past 2 days, and I have had the most fortunate drop rate from the mobs in the Obsidian Forest in the Twilight Highlands.

Comment by Dont forget u can change 10 Heavy savage leather for one of these, wich is also 50 savage leather, it seems much more reasonable than skinning thousands and getting 1 or 2. Comment by i've got two off of skinning the tigers in the lost city instance. Comment by salohcin I started farming drakes at the Pale Roost in Deep Holm and got one of these rather early on. I sold it for gold on Turalyon! I hope the drop rate isn't as low as others have said, I'd like to make some more money!

Comment by i got one from the tigers in uldum. Comment by Kerrianne I haven't seen one of these drop yet, and I am a very prolific skinner. Prices on my server went from 75g to 1kg overnight, and seem to have stabilized at g right now. Comment by Nightrunner I just skinned a total of about mobs. I usually skin the dragonkins in TWH for blackened scales and the extra gold from dragon flank. I've manage to get one single pristine hide during my lvling from skinning varius types of beasts.

Not profitable on my server tho. Comment by nadde I've skinned about a thousand crocolisks in Tol Barad and have only found one single pristine hide. Comment by ChadWoodburn It is clear that Blizz cut the skinning rate on these way down I've only gotten 2 out of a few thousand skins since they changed it; before that I got over However, perhaps it is a reaction to the auction house prices for the various things we skinners do get something they had no way of precisely predicting when they first released Cataclysm.

We get the following from the drops and skins: gold and vendor trash greens and a few blues that can be auctioned savage leather and blackened dragonscale that can be auctioned and crafted and once in a while a rare pristine hide Since each pristine hide is worth 50 savage leather and currently brings in hundreds of gold in the auction houses , that might have been viewed as an excessive benefit for skinners in comparison to other crafts. Also, too many pristine hides depresses the AH prices for savage leather.

From a purely economics viewpoint, it probably all evens out in the long run in terms of the net gold that we make. Comment by ParisAvenue These Hides must be pretty damn rare. And have made a fortune from stacks i've sold at the AH. Comment by Jaccobird Agreed on the drop rate, din't get 1 during leveling on 2 chars, and even now while crafting i never seen one from hc's or mob's, always have to buy them witch makes heavy leather still very expensive thing. They also respawn quite fast so its easy to just go up and down the Northwest river stretch by Ramkahen.

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I usually farm the TB spiders but lately i'vve been farming the birds and wolves in north twilight highlands. I get just about as much and there is no competition or people trying to ninja skin your kills. User Info: willythemailboy. The area below lost city in uldum is also pretty good for leather. There are four lights. User Info: fitlanbox. Don't bother farming pristine hides. The drop rate is abysmal. I've been farming leather in tb everyday for about a month. You are commenting using your Google account.

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