How many calories burned while drumming

If you live or visit the LA area, you can drop in for a jam session or a lesson with him. Finally, you can get inspired to pick up sticks by watching a video of Jay rocking out and feeling the burn while sitting pretty.

Move Activity cardio workout drumming Sports. Jeanne Simpson Jeanne is an actress, choreographer, and dance teacher in Los Angeles. She has also choreographed a wide variety of projects for television and theater.

While few people might take up drumming to lose weight, playing this instrument can burn enough calories to keep you in shape. The constant movement of your upper and lower body that is required to play the drums results in a steady burn of calories during the activity. According to data from CalorieLab, a person who weighs pounds will burn about calories during an hourlong drumming session.

If you've been impressed with the workout you experience while drumming, you're not alone. I'm going to use calories per hour and put it in the database as "moderate rock drumming". I think 10 a minute seems a bit high as well for average drum playing.

I remember reading a lot of years ago that a rock drummer playing a 4 hour gig would burn off the same calories as an NFL player in a full game. Judging from the number of clothes I have sweated thru in a set, I think that may be right. I must be burnig more than I think. Sequimite said:. Heartbeat Advanced Heart Guru.

Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, RedMist Very well Known Member. I've heard upwards of calories for a 90 minute set. MonkeyGrass Keystone Addict. I have a stupid high metabolism as it is, and I can literally eat a steak, potato and salad 30 minutes before showtime, and eat AGAIN an hour afterwards. What I notice is that when I'm gigging normally x per week I can basically eat whatever I want and not gain any weight.

If I have a couple slow weeks, with maybe gigs per, I'll pick up lbs with a quickness. Less than two weeks. As soon I hit a day road stretch, it's gone again. TamaBuster Well-Known Member. A lot of this does make sense to me because I am always starved after a gig. I play top forty country and am not totally slamming but between setting up, tearing down and doing the gig I'm sure a fair amount is burned.

Besides having food on my usually long drive home coupled with some zeppelin or something helps keep me awake. The power of music is truly this powerful. If you had any doubts about the effects of drumming, I hope your mentality is beginning to shift. To explore the psychological benefits more in-depth, drumming has been proven to help with the following psychological issues:. Read here for more information on how drumming can boost your mood. To preface all of these amazing findings with a small warning — take it easy.

Try not to physically exert yourself too hard and find a balance in the workout of it without extremities. We hope this guide has linked you with the great resources, scientific evidence, and facts behind the complex benefits of drumming.

Go faster! Pick up the tempo and put in more work if you want drumming to be a superior method of exercise. It is important to note in regard to the fitness-value of drumming that the more fit you become, the more difficult it is to burn calories in this sense. An unfit person walking for 30 minutes may experience the same caloric drop as someone very fit that jogs for 30 minutes.

Skip to content. If you need something more tangible to compare that amount to, the calories burnt while drumming for an hour is equivalent to: 10, steps at a walking pace 66 minutes of playing singles Tennis 78 minutes of leisurely swimming 45 minutes of vigorous cycling minutes of yoga minutes of gardening As sourced from the Beneden.

Although many want to make the issue this simplistic, the science is there to add validation to the claim that drumming is, in fact, a form of exercise, simply by the proven: Increase in heart rate High caloric-burning that outperforms other physical activities as listed above Use of almost every muscle in your body These factors lead scientists to believe that yes, drumming is exercise.

The drumming library is built next to the Oxstall campus and is a one-of-a-kind facility. It is designed to target the waist and thighs and strengthen connective tissue and muscle through stability moves. The way that each aspect of your body is getting a workout is: Your arms — clearly doing the bulk of the work and hitting your biceps and triceps radically.


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