Why was richie kotzen fired from poison

As to whether or not this will hurt Poison, "I don't think so, I hope not," says Rikki. We survived C. Hopefully if Blues works out, the next record will be better because it will be more Poison," he says, noting, "We went a little askew to compromise with Richie. That's what I'm doing and that's what we're doing as a band," he says.

Join us on Facebook. Richie Kotzen replaced C. DeVille in the lineup, after he was dismissed the first time in for his troublesome behavior caused largely by his drug use and alcoholism.

His replacement would also prove to be a contentious figure in Poison. Some of the songs are a little deeper, but for the most part, it's always been about having a party, having fun — henceforth the title of the tour this year, the 'Nothin' But A Good Time Tour'. On how fans of POISON and other groups of their era knew the names and faces of each bandmember, unlike most popular rock acts today:. Bobby : "I think it's partially because we promoted ourselves that way, with that first album cover with the four faces, and just the way the band was promoted that it wasn't just one guy — that it was all four of us.

We were passed on by the majors and had to go the independent label route, so all the promotions and everything in the very beginning were of our own making. We were the ones that promoted the band as such. Bobby : "It definitely takes having the talent and having the ability to do it, but it also takes a little bit of luck.

In my mind, luck means preparation meets opportunity. You have to be in the right place at the right time. We were from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, and had we stayed in Harrisburg, we probably would have never made it. Moving out to L. Even though the majors passed on us, we didn't give in. We believed we were rock stars before we were rock stars. We made it by sheer will and determination.

Bobby : "It varies from night to night. It's a pretty difficult situation to go through and find out [about] in the middle of a tour. But it is what it is. I have no ill will towards Richie , [other than] the fact that it was the wrong thing to do. NET story or review, you must be logged in to an active personal account on Facebook. Once you're logged in, you will be able to comment. NET does not endorse, or guarantee the accuracy of, any user comment.

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